dont panic note

What is Panic?

Fear is an emotion in response to danger. The body enters a state of alert and helps you to respond to a potentially dangerous situation. The heart beats faster, breathing speeds up and blood pressure rises. Panic appears when there is a sudden great fright or fear of danger. This sudden violent physical reaction to panic enables the body to fight or flee.

Panic (Attack)

Imagine a mother losing her child in a shopping center. No doubt the mother will panic or have a panic attack in response. A panic attack is characterized by a sudden wave of intense anxiety that peaks within minutes and is accompanied by at least four of the following characteristics:

  • Palpitations or an accelerated heartbeat
  • Sweating outbreak
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Feeling like you are running out of breath.
  • Feeling like you are gasping for breath.
  • Pain or discomfort in the chest
  • Nausea or stomach / abdominal complaints
  • Light-headed, dizziness, or feeling like you might faint
  • A numb or tingling feeling in your body
  • The feeling that you are not yourself or that the world does not seem real
  • Fear of going crazy
  • Fear of dying

Panic Disorder

If you have a panic attack more often of which the cause (in contrast to the mother described above) is not always clear, or you are constantly worried about having another panic attack or are you avoiding situations / activities to prevent a panic attack? Then you may have a panic disorder.

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Yes, this is about me! How do I get rid of a panic disorder?

A panic disorder is simply a circle that you cannot get out of. Below is an example of what such a circle might look like. The treatment of a panic disorder is aimed at breaking the circle. However, a panic circle differs per person. Your unique panic circle is mapped together with your practitioner. In this way, the treatment can be tailored to your unique panic circle.

– Fortunately, in 90% of cases, a full recovery occurs after treatment! –