

Feeling down or sad is a normal emotion in response to an unpleasant life event. It is also possible that there is a long-term gloomy feeling, that you do not feel like doing anything or that you can no longer enjoy events. If the sadness complaints are out of proportion and your life is seriously disrupted, you may be depressed.

Am I depressed?

Do you have the feeling that you have been very often down or depressed recently or do you have the feeling that you no longer enjoy the things you used to enjoy? If this is accompanied by some of the characteristics below, you may have depression.

  • An increase or decrease in body weight or appetite
  • Difficulty falling asleep, sleeping too little or sleeping too much
  • Feelings of restlessness or sluggishness
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Thoughts of death
I was constantly tired and preferred to lie in bed all day. The food also no longer tasted good to me. I felt worthless and regularly wondered what purpose this life still had. My husband tried to cheer me up in various ways. I then put on my happy mask, but inside I still felt miserable.

How do I get rid of my depression?

Depression is generally treatable. However, the duration of a treatment differs per person. It is important to get a picture of how the depression originated and how the depression is maintained. On the basis of this picture, you will make agreements with your practitioner about what is the most suitable and effective treatment for you and then treatment can be started.