
Personality issues

A unique personality makes who we are as human beings. One person is very busy and impulsive and the other calm and restrained. In some people, some traits are so extreme that they can be a nuisance to both themselves and their environment. In such a case, there may be a personality disorder in which someone, for example, has difficulty adapting his or her behavior to the environment.

Personality Disorders

  • In total we distinguish about 10 different personality disorders which we can divide into three main groups. These main groups are called types, namely types A, B and C. It may happen that you recognize one type, but it can also happen that there is a combination of several personality disorders. There are people with strong emotional and unpredictable behavior, people with strange and eccentric behavior and people with very anxious and insecure behavior.

Personality types

Strange and eccentric behavior

These people often come across as strange or unusual. They have little contact with others and often live alone or in isolation. People with Type A personality are not likely to seek help. We distinguish 3 types of personality disorders within the Type A cluster:

  • Paranoid Personality Disorder: People are always anxious and wary of people who have known them for a long time.
  • Schizoid Personality Disorder: People value relationships and have little need for contact.
  • Schizotypal Personality Disorder: Very suspicious and often feel that people are talking about them. Often feel bad and often experience situations differently.

Strong emotional & unpredictable behavior

These people can often be very heated, are impulsive and often find it difficult to deal with their emotions. We distinguish 4 types of personality disorders within the Type B cluster:

  • Antisocial Personality Disorder
  • Borderline-Personality Disorder
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  • Theatrical Personality Disorder

Very anxious and insecure behavior

People within this cluster are generally very anxious. They are often very afraid of entering into relationships or afraid of losing people. In addition, they always try to avoid conflict situations and they have difficulty living independently. We distinguish 3 types of personality disorders within the Type C cluster:

    • Dependent Personality Disorder
    • Compulsive Personality Disorder
    • Avoidant Personality Disorder